
Andean South America


Andean South America refers to the region along the western coast of South America that encompasses countries such as Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Chile, and Argentina. It is characterized by its stunning mountain ranges including the Andes Mountains.

Related terms

Inca Empire: The Inca Empire was an ancient civilization that flourished in Andean South America from the 13th to 16th centuries. They built remarkable stone structures like Machu Picchu and had an extensive road network connecting their vast empire.

Machu Picchu: Machu Picchu is an iconic Inca citadel located in Peru. It is renowned for its impressive architecture, breathtaking views, and mysterious history as it was abandoned and hidden from the Spanish conquistadors.

Nazca Lines: The Nazca Lines are a series of ancient geoglyphs etched into the desert floor of southern Peru. These enormous drawings depict various animals, plants, and geometric shapes and remain a fascinating archaeological mystery.

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