Cram Mode – For students who specialize in cramming

87k+ study guides to review for any test



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87k+ study guides to skim through

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Unlimited AP practice

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Frequently Asked Questions

Does Fiveable support more than just AP classes?

Yaaaaa! We’re fully expanded now with study guides aligned to virtually every high school and college class. If you don’t see your classes listed, email us to request one!

What is Cram Mode?

Cram Mode is the paid version of Fiveable that unlocks every single one of our study guides and practice questions for all classes.

What does a Cram Mode subscription unlock for me that I can’t access on Fiveable for free?

The free version of Fiveable is limited to 1 study guide and 1 practice question set per day. You’ll hit paywalls after that unless you sign up for cram mode which gives you 100% access to everything.

How long does my Cram Mode subscription last?

Your Cram Mode subscription is active until you no longer need it! There are two options for how to sign up: a yearly subscription (renewed each year on the same date of purchase) or a monthly subscription (renewed each month on the same date of purchase).

How will I know that Cram Mode is activated?

When you sign up for Cram Mode, you will receive a confirmation email from Fiveable. You can also see whether or not your Cram Mode is active in your Dashboard.

Do I need multiple subscriptions if I’m taking multiple AP classes?

Nope! One subscription includes every class.

I’m a parent purchasing the subscription on behalf of my child. How do I transfer the subscription to my child?

We recommend that you use your student’s email address that they use for to sign up for Cram Mode so that the subscription is already linked to their account. If you use your email address to purchase, simply reply to the confirmation email with your student’s email address, and we can transfer to the account to your student.

Is financial aid available?

We understand that not everyone can afford to purchase Cram Mode. If you need financial assistance in order to participate, please fill out this form and we will be in touch.

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Trusted by 12m high school students & teachers
Trusted by 12m high school students & teachers
Trusted by 12m high school students & teachers
Trusted by 12m high school students & teachers
Trusted by 12m high school students & teachers
Trusted by 12m high school students & teachers
Trusted by 12m high school students & teachers
Trusted by 12m high school students & teachers
Trusted by 12m high school students & teachers

Purchasing for a student?

Still have additional questions?

We try our best to respond to all inquiries within 1-2 business days. If it's more urgent, please use our Live Chat located on the bottom right of the website.